Christopher New’s historical fiction The Kaminsky Cure takes place in Austria during the Third Reich. It tells the story of one family with both Jewish and Aryan blood trying their best to survive in a time of great upheaval. The patriarch of the family, Willibald, is a pure-blood Aryan as well as a Lutheran minister, is married to Gabi, a Jew who converted to Christianity when she was a teenager. Thus the family’s children are half-Jewish. Throughout the novel, the children face a series of trials and tribulations as they are torn between two identities and each one struggles to search for one that fits them best .
“Now that’s a wobble in the orderly arrangements of the Thousand Year Reich: half-Jewish children can go to school with Aryan bluebloods (well, for a time, anyway), but they can’t stay in lodgings with them.”
I enjoyed reading The Kaminsky Cure. Despite the setting being the darkest time in human history, the book has elements of poignant moments and humor, as well as some very sad moments when the children face persecution as a result of them having Jewish blood. The narrator of the book who is the main character, along with the mother tells the reader about his family’s struggles during the time period described. Thus, the character development is very strong in this book, as the reader is privy to all the minute details of both internal interactions that take place within the family, as well as those that take place with the outside world.
I would definitely recommend The Kaminsky Cure as it is an enjoyable read that brings out a variety of emotions.