Knitting is a relaxing hobby that allows for endless creativity and invention. According to the author, Wendy Bernard, stitch dictionaries are like cookbooks for knitting. The Knitting All Around Stitch Dictionary offering 150 stitch patterns for you to try; however, this is not a collection of projects; rather, it is a collection of different types of stitch patterns you might want to use in your projects.
Bernard emphasizes the importance of swatching, to find out how a pattern will look, drape, wash, or otherwise act in your finished design and chosen yarn. She has, very helpfully, included both written patterns and charts, and has translated patterns for knitting both in the round, or flat or bottom-up. Chapters include Knits and Purls (the most basic patterns, with lots of variations!); Ribs; Twisted, Slipped, and Fancy; Cables; Lace; and Mosaics. There is also a section on designing from scratch, for those of you who are anxious to jump out on your own!
My greatest hope is that you’ll use these new tools to elevate your skills and to create one-of-a-kind items for yourself and for the people you care about.
The book is colorful and fun, and instructions are clearly written; each pattern has a photo showing the author’s swatch of the pattern, as well as the graphs and charts. Appendices include a key to abbreviations and explanation of unfamiliar techniques. It is also spiral bound, so it lays flat while you use it. This is an excellent guidebook full of ideas and patterns to get your knitting creativity cooking!