Calen is trying to learn magic, but he doesn’t like it much because it is mostly just learning about plants and doing errands for his master. And there is a princess named Meg, who is princessy enough, but is not as ‘princessy’ as she could be. One day they meet and become friends. Meg shows Calen the orphaned dragon she found. Although Calen and the dragon are wary of each other, Meg and Calen visit the dragon often. Then the dragon starts calling to Meg. Meg and Calen find out about a plot against the kingdom, but when they figure out the plot they are transported to somewhere far away. Their only hope is that Meg can call the dragon to bring them back before the kingdom is destroyed.
“Calen felt his jaw drop. He froze in the entrance, staring. It was a dragon.”
The Dragon of Trelian is the first book in Michelle Knudsen’s “Trelian” trilogy. You will like this book. You get to see multiple people’s perspectives, as it shifts from one person telling the story to another. You even get to know the dragon! Although he doesn’t ever narrate the story, you get to see what he is thinking sometimes because Meg can know what he thinks. The book has a good plot that is interesting, and the story ends well by solving the problems Meg and Calen had to face. And the descriptions were really good so you could imagine yourself in the story. If you like dragons and magic this is a great book for you!