Vigdis is a strange-sounding name to this audience, but it is the revered first name of the much honored former first lady president of Iceland. In this endearing story created by a very talented combined author and illustrator Rán Flygenring, the reader learns about the very down to earth Vigdis Finnbogadottir, who chanced to become the elected head of her nation and even more extraordinary to become the world’s first female president.
We travel through the eyes of the very young, inquisitive and impish reporter who with his pad and pencil ventures to interview the retired president. Sitting down with milk and cookies, Vigdis responds to his questions and describes her family, her background, the history of Iceland, talks about her adopted daughter and her career in the theater world. When asked to run for president, she was initially reluctant, but was persuaded when the fishermen strongly endorsed her.
All this time, our little impish reporter and future author is looking around as the furniture, and at the surroundings, which fill his imagination. These images of his impressions are so magically captured in the warm colorful drawings, and enhanced by the amusing inked sketches so potently displayed throughout the story. This is an award winning product, ideal for the young reader and an eye opener for the adult.