Monarch butterflies are in trouble. The only way they can survive is if they have a plentiful supply of milkweed. As land is taken for development, many sources of milkweed are disappearing and not being replaced. Milkweed plants are the only places where monarch butterflies will lay their eggs. It is the only food that monarch larvae can eat. The story of monarch butterflies, their life cycle from egg to larva to chrysalis to butterfly, and their need for milkweed is told in this beautifully written and illustrated picture book that youngsters will find compelling and fascinating.
Author Christine Van Zandt tells the story in perfect rhyming couplets that will keep the youngest of listeners engaged, and she adds sidebars with extra information written in prose that will help to keep youngsters up to six or seven interested as well. Gorgeous illustrations by Alejandra Barajas are filled with wonderful details and will delight children, helping to keep their eyes on the pages. Back matter includes an author’s note, fun facts about monarchs, how they sense things, how people can help, and a good bibliography. This book is a real star in STEM picture books.