Ogma lives in constant fear of the fog, along with the residents of her village. A malevolent presence has been rumored to lure others to a grim fate. The town’s youth are engaged as a border patrol to ensure there are no security breaches along the town’s walls. Ogma is viewed as a role model for the adolescent youth. The townsfolk look forward to the fog’s gradual dissipation because that leads to the nearest town being able to connect and engage in commerce with Ogma’s village.
Ogma’s best friend is a young teenager named Wheeler. Wheeler possesses a knack for storytelling and he can calm the children with tales of those lost to the fog. Ogma and Wheeler’s constant concern is coupled with their worry of getting older and having to leave their village once they reach a mature age. This is a rite of passage but is intimidating to them and others. On one murky night, Ogma and others are alerted to a possible security gap along the town walls. They are shocked to discover a young boy in the grips of an exotic beast. The beast is dead, and the boy is clinging to life.
The young boy is named Dunkirk, his demeanor and pallor hint at experiencing something unspeakable. He awakens with a restless manner and appears to speak primarily Norwegian. Ogma is at times amused and frustrated by Dunkirk’s demeanor but everything changes when the town’s security is violated and during the fray Ogma goes missing. Soon Ogma finds herself outside the only home she’s known. She finds herself in similar circumstances as Dunkirk experienced and must acclimate to her situation while struggling to survive in a truly strange land.
Fog & Fireflies is a tantalizing book combining elements of fantasy, mystery, and horror. The specter of the unknown is a persistent theme running throughout the book as Ogma and fellow townsfolk can only guess at the true villain’s identities and their motives. Ogma is an adept heroine looking after her home and her fellow townspeople and she will fight to preserve both. The path of her character’s storyline is changed when she becomes the outlander, she must learn to cast aside preconceived notions about those she meets, such as the Caravaners.
Author T.H. Lehnen has written an excellent novel which elicits terror and wonder in equal measure and will appeal to more than a youthful audience.