Crosshairs is the latest installment in James Patterson’s Michael Bennett series. In this book, Bennett is assigned a partner in the form of an ex-Army Ranger named Rob Trilling. There is a sniper on the loose who is killing people and the two must work together to figure out what the victims have in common and find out who the sniper is.
As Bennett and Trilling work together on the assignment, several things go wrong. Then Bennett wonders if Trilling could be the sniper. The guy disappears at times and is very secretive. Also, Trilling’s personality is really dry and Bennett has a difficult time reading him. This doesn’t help when it comes to knowing if he can trust his partner or not.
Just like the other books in the Detective Bennett series, this one is full of colorful characters ranging from Bennett’s superiors to the snipers they interview. And as always, there is a lot about Bennett’s wife Mary Catherine, and their ten adopted children. Fans of the Michael Bennett series will enjoy this cat-and-mouse game.