Cas Lester’s Harvey Drew series is busting with wit, suspense, and bravery. In Lester’s latest Harvey Drew story, Harvey Drew and the Bling Bots, Harvey and his misfit crew aboard the Toxic Spew, face a once-in-a-lifetime adventure to recover a very valuable piece of space junk. However, getting their hands on the space junk itself would turn out to be the easy part, keeping it in their possession would end up being much more difficult. Facing the dangers of hauling something so valuable doesn’t deter the crew from thinking about how they could spend their fortunes ,that is, until they come face-to-face with the most ruthless and lethal aliens in the known universe, the Bling Bots.

 “The plucky little Toxic Spew (and her equally plucky little crew) plunged into a terrifying cat – and- mouse chase at full pelt, pursued relentlessly by the Bling Bots.”

Harvey once again proves his bravery and leadership skills in leading his team in the greatest underdog situation he has ever faced- one with life and death consequences. Harvey is such an inspirational character. I love Lester’s use of football and sport references that kids can relate to and the outlook that Harvey has as he faces dangerous and difficult situations as the captain of the Toxic Spew crew. Harvey feels responsible for his team and, even when he is scared, doesn’t ever give up. Harvey is a great role model for this generation of kids to follow, even if they may not follow in his footsteps all the way to space.
