Adulthood is a Myth is an entertaining collection of comic shorts by Sarah Andersen that will leave any introvert, college student, or college age female giggling like a maniac. Andersen had a tendency to point out things about ourselves that wouldn’t have crossed our minds otherwise.
“Your toes look nice, grandma.’ ‘Thanks. I did them when I was 22.'”
The main character is instantly likable and very easy to relate to, and the way that Andersen shares each anecdote will have you flipping from page to page and wondering where the time went when you realize you’ve reached the end. One can’t help but come to the conclusion that all of these sketches come from personal experiences and thought processes, despite the author’s claim on the back that “This book is totally not autobiographical. At all.” Most readers will find themselves flipping through and going, “AHA! So I’m not the only one who does that!.” Definitely worth the money, you’ll be wanting to share this with all of your friends so that you can get them laughing as well. Every quirky thing about this book, from the fuzzy sweater and lettering on the cover to the fuzzy legs in the comics, will make you want to look into other work that Sarah Andersen has done.